A Seattle Offset Printing and Publishing Project

Update #4: We’re doing shit!

It may have not seemed like it to all the internet trolls, but we have been up to no good, and it’s been awesome! We’ve had some orders, tabled a book fair (and loved it!), and encountered more problems than we ever predicted!

We’ve got a working catalog, and someday imagine that this site will host some sexy images of what we’ve got going on for you. Please email us (foricannotbequiet@gmail.com) for now if you want to know what we’ve got and place an order.

You can look for us at the Carrboro, NC bookfair in November ’12 and the East Bay, CA bookfair in December ’12. Get ready to celebrate. What? You’ll see.

<3 us

Update #3: We have moved in!

We’ve been on a bit of a hiatus here for the last two weeks, so with a reinvigorated spirit and a lot more tired limbs (all that tree climbing was hard!), we’ll offer a bit of an update.

On Wednesday March 22nd, we moved the press with the help of several friends. We had spent the days leading up to the 22nd preparing the studio to be just so. Too many U-Haul encounters later, we had accomplished what we had set forth the entire time. Except for the minor injury we’d had to the machine; we are confident in ‘our’ (the broad meaning of Our) ability to repair its damages. Our workshop is beautiful, and we whispered secret nothingness into all its hidden corners.

We’ve had several friends donate since the ‘close’ of the fundraiser, thank you! You’ll get your prizes and your little books, too!

Much love from the Northwest Press Crew! As always, write to us- we love fan mail!

For I Cannot Be Quiet

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For I Cannot Be Quiet is the gestation of something very old, carving a valley for our soiled desires, like a glacier for its water. The river bed is mostly empty now, but will flood with the lifting of winter. The offset press, a Multilith 1250, along with a perfect binder and page collator, will afford us the means to make any printed page imaginable!


Over the next month this site will be used to fundraise $3,600 — enough to establish a proficient printing and publishing workshop, to be called: For I Cannot Be Quiet. We hope that you will contribute what you can now! Your pledges and generosity will help our fervor of ideas and images, and no amount is too small or too great. For each pledge ‘bracket’ you meet, you will receive a corresponding prize. (Please refer to the Fundraiser section for more details.)


In the For I Cannot Be Quiet workshop, we will print stories untold — memories, novels, poems, polemics, journals, notebooks, schemes, dreams, and the like. New projects will be brought into being, as the rain carries in new scents; out-of-print editions will be retold, as the water we pour in page form remakes their bewitching ways. For I Cannot Be Quiet will facilitate the practical means to produce beautiful work. We invite you to talk with us about project ideas, whether you wish to conspire or whether you wish for our hands to do the work.


For I Cannot Be Quiet makes meanings legible, echoing messages of the world we are in and the ones’ inside of us. For I Cannot Be Quiet is haunted by the conversations of muses — those that call this generally taciturn and ignorant existent by its sultry name.


Their wild voices encourage this press, will you lend yours?

Inquire, please!  Pledge, please!

For I Cannot Be Quiet

Contact us:
